Петербург. Императрская Публичная библиотека. 1900-е гг. The Emperor Public Library in St.Petersburg. 1900-s


по творчеству Велимира Хлебникова

Стилизованная подпись Велимира Хлебникова. Stylized signature of Velimir Khlebnikov

Chlebnikov V.: A Stockholm symposium, Apr. 24, 1983 / Ed. by Nilsson N.A. - Stockholm, 1985. - (Acta Univer. Stockholm studies in Russian Literature, 20).:

  • Baran H. Xlebnikov's Poetic Logic and Poetic Illogic. P. 7 - 25.
  • Hansen-Love A.A. Die Entfaltung des "Welt - Text" - Paradigmas in der Poesie V. Chlebnikov. P. 27 - 88.
  • Lonnqvist B. Xlebnikov's Plays and the Folk-Theater Tradition. P. 89 - 121.
  • Faryno J. Chlebnikovs Gedicht "Ra - vidjascij oci svoi…". P. 123 - 132.
  • Nilsson N.A. How to Translate Avant-Garde Poetry. Some Attempts with Xlebnikov's Incantation by Laughter. P. 133 - 150.

Cooke R. Velimir Khlebnikov: A Critical Study. - Cambridge etc., 1987. - 247 p. - Bibl. p. 227 - 239. - (Cambridge Studies in Russian Lit.)

Goldt R. Sprache und Mythos bei V. Chlebnikov. - Mainz: Liber Verl., 1987. - 296 S. - Bibl. S. 250 - 286. - (Mainzer slavistische Veroffentlichungen. Slavica Moguntiaca. Bd. 10).

Kowtun J. Sangesi. Die Russische avantgarde. Chlebnikow und seine Maler. - Zurich: edition Stemmle, 1993.

Lanne J.-C. V. Chlebnikov - poete futurien. - P.: Inst. d'etudes slaves, 1983. Vol. I - II. - (Bibl. russe de l'Inst. d'etudes slaves. Vol. XLIV). Vol. I - 264 s. Vol. II - 470 s.

Lanne J.-C. Le Systeme poetique de V. Khlebnikov. - 2 Bd. - P., 1983.

Lodge K. Translating Velimir Khlebnikov's early poetry. - Joensuu, 1998. - 123 p. - (Learning by Doing 1. Working Papers from the Russian Department University of Joensuu. 1998).

Lonnqvist B. Xlebnikov and carnival: An analysis of the poem "Poet". - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1979. - 166 p. - (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis; Stockholm Studies in Russian Literature, 9).

Markov V. The Longer Poems of Velimir Khlebnikov. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1962. - (Univ. of California publications in modern philology, vol. 62).

Mirsky S. Der Orient im Werk Velimir Chlebnikovs. - Munchen: Verlag Otto Sagner, 1975. - 118 s. - (Slavistische Beitr., Bd. 85).

Stobbe P. Utopisches Denken bei V. Chlebnikov. - Munchen: Sagner, 1982. - 157 S. - (Slavistische Beitr., Bd. 161).

Velimir Chlebnikov (1885 - 1922): Myth and Reality. Amsterdam Symposium on the Centenary of Velimir Chlebnikov / Ed. by W.G.Weststeijn. - Amsterdam, 1986. - 593 p. - (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics. Vol.VIII.).:

  • Markov V. On the prelest' of Chlebnikov. P. 1-13.
  • Baran H. Chlebnikov's Poetics and its Folkloric and Ethnographic Sources. P. 15 - 71.
  • Vroon R. The Calendar Poems of V. Chlebnikov: A Textual Critique. P. 74 - 91.
  • Faryno J. Несколько наблюдений над поэтикой Хлебникова ("В этот день, когда вянет осеннее..."). P. 93-127.
  • Hansen-Love A.A. Der "Welt - Schadel" in der Mythopoesie V. Chlebnikov's. P. 129 - 187.
  • Cooke R. F. Chlebnikov's Grid: (Reshetka): A Missing Key to Nochnoj obysk? P. 187 - 215.
  • Weststeijn W. The Role of the 'I' in Chlebnikov's Poetry (on the Typology of the Lyrical Subject). P. 217 - 242.
  • Vroon R. Metabiosis, Mirror Images and Negative Integers: Velimir Chlebnikov and his Doubles. P. 243 - 290.
  • Lonnqvist B. Chlebnikov's "Double Speech". P. 291 - 315.
  • Grigorjev V.P. К диалектике воображаемой филологии. P. 317 - 330.
  • Grygar M. Парадокс "Самовитого слова" Хлебникова (к проблематике внетекстовых связей). P. 331 - 362.
  • Sola A. Словесность и комбинаторное искусство у Хлебникова. P. 363 - 374.
  • Stobbe P. V. Chlebnikov's My i doma: Language and Architecture. An Iter disciplinarian Approach. P. 375 - 391.
  • Dietsch V. Some Notes on Chlebnikov's Relation to Contemporary Art. P. 391 - 397.
  • Grubel R. The Montage of Codes and Genros as Secondary Syncretism in Chlebnikov's "Zangezi". The Construction of a Synthetical Text and the Problem of "Gesamtkunstwerk". P. 399 - 475.
  • Flaker A. Хлебников на выставке. P. 475 - 489.
    (о "Маркизе Дэзес")
  • Lanne J.-C. Le conte dans la pensee et l'oeuvre de V. Khlebnikov. P. 489 - 511.
  • Uijterlinde A. Зверинец: проза или поэзия? P. 513 - 528.
  • Matejka L. Chlebnikov and Jakobson's "Novejisaja russkaja poezija". P. 529 - 543.
  • Эткинд Е. Заболоцкий и Хлебников. P. 543 - 573.
  • Жолковский А.К. Графомания как прием: Лебядкин, Хлебников, Лимонов. P. 573 - 593.

Velimir Chlebnikov. 1885 - 1985 / Ed. J. Holthusen et al. - Munchen: Verlag Otto Sagner, 1986. - (Sagners Slavistische sammlung. Bd. 11).

  • Doring-Smirnov J.R. and Smirnov I.P. Der Futurismus Chlebnikovs. S. 9 - 29.
  • Scholz F. Bild, Wort und Laut als Elemente der Mythenbildung in V. Chlebnikovs Poesie. S. 31 - 70.
  • Hansen-Love A.A. Metamorphosen der truba in der mythopoetischen Welt V. Chlebnikov. S. 71 - 106.
  • Koll-Stobbe A. Cognition and construction: Chlebnikov's Ц-1 as a Metaphoric Process. S. 107 - 116.
  • Stobbe P. "Повесть строится из слов, как строительной единицы здания" (Зангези). Uberlegungen zu Konstruktivismus in Chlebnikovs "Мы и дома" und bildener Kunst. S. 117 - 130.
  • Oraic D. Die "Ubergeschichte" V. Chlebnikovs. S. 131 - 152.
  • Drews P. Esir. S. 153 - 164.
  • Cooke R. Chlebnikov's Paducaja Texts: A Vision of War. S. 165 - 186.
  • Weststeijn W. Chlebnikov and the First World War. S. 187 - 212.
  • Etkind E. В поисках человека. Путь Николая Заболоцкого от неофутуризма к "поэзии души". S. 213 - 268.
  • Mestan A. Vladimir Holan, zaum und V. Chlebnikov. S. 269 - 278.

Vroon R. Velimir Xlebnikov's Shorter Poems: a Key to the Coinages. - Ann Arbor, 1983. - 251 p. - (Michigan Slavic materials. - Vol. 22).

Vroon R. Velimir Xlebnikov's Krysa: A Commentary. - Stanford, 1989. - 200 + xi p. - (Stanford Slavic Studies. Vol. II).

Weststeijn W. Velimir Chlebnikov and the Development of Poetical Language in Russian Symbolism and Futurism. - Amsterdam, 1983. - 300 p. - (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics. Vol. 4).

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