Петербург. Императрская Публичная библиотека. 1900-е гг. The Emperor Public Library in St.Petersburg. 1900-s

Переводы произведений Хлебникова на другие языки. Отдельные издания (в хронологическом порядке).

Стилизованная подпись Велимира Хлебникова. Stylized signature of Velimir Khlebnikov

Khlebnikov V. Ka / Textes choisis, traduits du russe et presentes par Benjamin Goriely. - Paris, 1960. - 194 p.
Goriely B. Velimir Khlebnikov et l'avant-garde litteraire russe. - 9 - 53. Nuit avant les Soviets; Perquisition de nuit; Ka; Le sabre enchanteur; Nuit en Perse; Moi et le mot. Monolog au lion de la nuit; Poeme magique. Les sept; Les fosses; Poesie transmentale. Zaoum.

Chlebnikov W. Poezje. Wybral I wstepem opatrzyl Jan Spiewak. Przelozyli Anna Kamienska, Seweryn Pollak, Jan Spiewak. Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy. - War-szawa, 1963. - 212 c.
Gdzie swisciele gwizdy wiodly; Z worka chlusniesz; Niebo duszne; Poganiacz bydla, przezen pozarty; Matecznik; Zaklecie przez smiech; Z poematu "Markiza Dezes"; Bobeobi spiewaly sie wargi; Komu tu powiadac; W pomruku-swiscie; Marl morzan; Ludzie, kiedy kochaja; Sen to sasiad sniegu wiosna; Gdy rogi jelenia; Posepny wiersz; Gdy umieraja konie; Liczby; Pa-ludzie; czarny milowir; Doswiadczenie przesadnego; Me oczy bladza niby jesien; Siedmiu; Peesn zatrwozonego; Gdzie wilk krwia wychlysnal; Do Peruna; Ani kruche cienie japonii; Tam v lipy odziany; Czarny car plasal; Dworzysrcze nocne - Dzyngis - chan; Pian Pan; Cicha won z jabloni proszy; Pi-eszczot piersi wsrod traw; Kurhan; Madrosc w sidlach; Czasy, ludzie I narody; Przyjaciol mych lecialy hurmy; Wiatr - spiewanie; Praojciec; W ten dzien blekitnych niedzwiedzi; Wiosennego Koranu; Wiosny przyslowia I porzekadla; Moje wyprawy; Piesn jesienna; I czarny rak na misie bialej; Ty pilas dech golabki parny; Widzialem, siedzial rys; O miasto chmurozerko; Jedyna ksiega; Slowo o El; I oto znow mosiezny wrzatek; Mlot; W dzien, gdy jesienne; Synowi sie nocy niebieskosc; Czemu w slepietach niezabudki; Rus zielona w w miesiacu Aju; Wielblad ispahanski; Azia; Nawruz pracy; Piesn Iranska; Dab Persji; Zamarzniety Ozyrys; Moj leb drogostan; Krynicznej wody zimny strumien; Ra - widzacy oczy swoje; Gdzie usypia niemozliwe; "Wierze" - spiewaly armaty I place; Powietrze po-rabane na czarne galezie; Dzis gora Maszuk; Glod; Trabcie, krzyczcie, niescie!; Lud pop-adl w rozpacz; Wolgo! Wolgo!; Drzewo; Gdzie wlosy roztargane siecza; Moskwa przyszlosci; Nie wstyd ci, drzewo, wyrastac z ziemi; Burluk; Kruczonych; Wyznanie; Odmowa; Obiad; Ja I Rosja; Widzialem mlodzienca proroka; Wyszedlem mlodziencem sam; Samotny obludnik; Jeszcze ras; A ja z wzdychan dan; Slonie klami kluly sie tak; Zwierzyniec; Niewolniczy brzeg; Palacz Szyri; Traba Gul-mully; Noc w Persji; Wieczerzy Panskiej ocz; Widzialem smiechy luster.

Chlebnikov V. Cmaranice po nebi / Prel. Jizi Taufer. - Praha, 1964. - 314 c. переиздание - 1974 г, 271 с.
zakleti smichem; kridelkuje zlatopisem; bobeobi znela usta; byla tma, byla tak cerna tma; mas, mile mesto, na mou dusi; nelidsky pohled mesice; sviti nad rosou chrastu Rak; dusne nebe voni modridlem a vemenem ; krymska; vozka za zvoneni sani; zverinec; ucitel a zak; jak je S oblasti pojmu; noci, plna souhvezdi; kdyz umiraji kone - dysi; cisla; vzali jsme Ц-1; moucho! nezne sluvko, zvuku dovadivy; tak tedy dneska zase jdu; jsem jinoch - svet; palide; osada v noci - Dzingischan!; kotatku septas: ruku saj!; ja vadnouci a bily odolen; mne se nedotyka; vy bezdecne jste ztratila sve strevicky; na ostrove Oselu; vecer. Byl cerny. Byl prizrak. V satu mnicha!; cisky dubove a na nich; s prisnosti bojaryne Borise Godunova; v satech rospaku; lasice; ze stinu padalo svetlo; jamiloval, ja stenal, ja svou jsem nazyval; opevuji te, muj sivy sne; vecerka; tvar more pisky melcin vrasti; stezka k mori sleza chtive; o svete, muj dobry strycku; oblaka byla rudymi kulisami; vecer. V sini; at v zarlivosti, at z premiry sily; tys behine mladi! Sved me; sen; mam jako kniha listy otrepane lice; cern cirikavych cirek na cele jezera; trouba Martanu; vicko pres oko svesivse uslzene; tam, kde jako divci vlasy barvy cinu; kde usina nemoznost na dlanich pouceni; rikadla a pranostiky jara; obraten; konejsenkou noci, konejsenkou smutku; nevolnicky breh; pradlena z Horiciho pole; jen my, kteri jsme sbalili vase tri roky valky; Rijen na Neve; voina v mysi pasti; v onen den modrych med-vedu; sobeslov; basnik; slovo o El; pripomenu; o versich; krmeni holubice; cmaranice po nebi; slovnik hvezneho jazyka; padila tlupa, zvedajic prach; hlad; Volho! Volho!; trubte, kricte, noste!; otevreni lidove university; toce se proutim, tece proud; matka se dobelhala s deckem v naruci; Puskin; rovnice Gogolova ducha; zesynovela nocni sinava; ja a ty; ty di-venky, ktere slapou; zvoni, zvoni modre rolnicky; bystrina se studenou vodou; zpevy Gul-mully; iranska pisen; onoho roku, kdy mne divky; procpak jsou v kukadlech okotesinky?; Rusko, tys cele polibek v mraze!; vsi se ke mne tupe modlily; pruvod podzimku v Pjati-gorsku; vzduch je popraskany cernymi vetvickami; uznani; Burljuk; kdo?; Kruconych; strom (strome, vam je hanba, ze rostete ze zeme?); samostril lasky; e-e! hy-y! - cely zpo-cen; at orac,kdyz obraci brany zrana; kovar Kave; zpevava Rusi v mesici Aj; strom (stary strom s pokrivenou haluzi); na zapadlem nadrazicku; ze zapisniku; tovarna. Ohromne ce-listi jerabu uchopily nove; oblak s oblakem; Ra - vidouci sve oci v rzive a rude bahnite vode; ma lebka - stehovaci vuz, kde slozena jsou slova; straznice - ohromna vec!; z navrhu; osamoceny mim; ja a Rusko; Asie; jako hoch jsem vysel sam; obed; Moskvo, kdo jsi?; odmitnuti; a jeste jednou, jeste, jeste jednou; nezertovat!; obratim-li se k lidstvu jako k hodinam; vsem; nas zaklad; Ladomir.

Хлебњиков В. Краљ времена Велимир I. / Избор и предговор Милица Нико-лиh. Стихи перевели Вера Николиh и Бора Ћосиh. Прозу перевела Милица Ни-колиh. - Београд, Просвета, 1964. - (Современи страни писци, коло четврто 20).
ГYСЛЕ ИСПОД СYНЧЕВОГ СЛЕМЕНА. Заклетва у смех (превео М. М. Пешиђ); Времари-шевари; Y заварацима-сановњацима; Одостоjевскиjмо облак што се вуче!; Бобеоби певале су усне; Крилацаjући златописмом; Девоjке што спустиле су копља; Jато ваздушных ласта лети; О девоjкама ми певаjте; Осим закона теже; Људи! нек пред светлошћу сунца неприjатељство клеца; Трипут ве, трипут ем!; Приjатно jе ви-дети; Световац; Разумка, безумка, неумка - играли скупа три сестре; Људи, године и лета; Сан jе час сусед пролећног снега; Љуљашке закон заповеда; Када се рогови jелена подигну изнад лишћа; Људи, кад они воле (превела Олга Влатковић; Слонови су се борили кљовами тако (превела Олга Влатковић); Преци, што вас даљина заму-ти; Црни цар се пред народом ачи; Па-људи; Трка воза-змиjурине. JА И РYСИJА. Русиjа хиљадама хиљада слободу jе дала; Ваши су ми се молиле тупо.

Khlebnikov V. Choix de poemes / Trad. et presente par L. Schnitzer. - Paris: Pierre Jean Oswald, 1967.

Chlebnikov V. Poesie / Saggio, antologia e commento a cura di A.M. Ripellino. - Ein-audi, Torino, 1968. - 258 p. II ed. - 1989.
"Dal sacco si sparsero"; "Un concilio fuggi"; Il serraglio; "Mi sono visibili"; Esorcismo col riso; Bobeobi; "Alipredando con auroscrittura; "Sull'isola di Esele"; "A chi racconticchiare"; "Gli elefanti"; "Un mostro"; "Con un gorgoglio-fischio"; "Gli uomini, quando amano"; "O dostoevschiume di fuggente nube!"; "La legge delle altalene"; Lugubre; "Quando stanno morendo"; I numeri; Brutta gente; I sette; Fantasmi (Girotondo); "Ne le fragili ombre del Giappone"; "Tenuta nella notte - Cingischan!"; "Un soave soffio ventila dai meli"; Racconto sull'errore; "Ma forse la fortuna"; "E se il vento"; Sogno; "Il mio libro del volto"; Confessione; "Di donnole"; Il tumulo; "Gli anni, gli uomini e I popoli"; "Tatlin, veggenti arcano delle palle"; "Solo noi, arrotolati I vostri tre anni di guerra"; "Vento - canto"; "Mosca - vetusto cranio"; "Il questo giorno di orsi azzurri"; "Teologo allegro"; "Forse sono cresciuto"; "Gli scioglilin-gua e I proverbi"; La befana di pietra; Le mie campagne; "E un nero gambero su un bianco piatto"; Nutrizione d'un colombo; "Io vedevo: una tigre"; "E citta, fiera dell'antico vero"; "O citta mangianuvole!"; La citta del futuro; L'Unico Libro; Uno sgraffio sul cielo; Il maglio; "La Russia, malata"; "Si affilia il filo azzurro delle notti"; "Perche negli occhietti miosotidi?"; "Corrode gli alberi e placida scorre"; "Russia verde nel mese di Aj!"; Asia; "O Asia! Di te mi tormento"; Il Nauruz del lavoro; La tromba del Gul mulla; La quercia della Persia; "Ruscello dall'acqua fredda"; "Ra - che vede I suoi occhi"; "E-e! Y-ym!"; "Dove si assopisce l'impossibile"; "Bambina! Se gli occhi"; "Come un gregge di pecore"; Autunno; "L'aria e scheggiata in neri ramoscelli"; La fame; Tre pranzi; "Volga! Volga!"; "Io vedevo le risa degli specchi"; "Faccenda vostra, dei"; "Canzonetta scaletta"; "Tintin-nano"; "Russia, tu sei tutta un bacio nel gelo"; "Torpidi, I pidocchi"; "L'anno in cui le ra-gazze"; "Le ragazze, quelle che camminano"; "L'aratore, abbandonando l'erpice"; L'albero (1); L'albero (2); "Nube con nube"; "Nella remota piccola stazione"; Moska del futuro; "E le colonne vertebrali"; Burljuk; Krucёnych; Confessione (Stile scabro); "Se io mutero l'umanita in orologio"; Il rifiuto; Il futuro; Il pranzo; Io e la Russia; "Io vedevo un giovane profeta"; "Io discesi giovane da solo"; L'istrione solitario; "Nutrimento! Fru-gando"; "Moska, chi sei?"; "Molti occhi dell' Ultima Cena; Non come un farfarello; A tutti; Ancora una volta.

Chlebnikov V. Den modrych medvedov / Prelozil Milan Ferko. Doslov napisal Dusan Slobodnik. - Bratislave, 1969. - 141 c.

Khlebnikov V. Le pieu du Futur. Traduction et preface [9 - 45] de Luda Schnitzer. - Lausanne (Editions L'age d'homme) 1970.
Recits: Le zoo; L'etudieuse; Le chasseur Oussa-Gali; Sortie de tumulus du fils defunt; Simple recit; L'adolescent Moicrocosme; Et sur les fleurs et les levres…; La mort de Palivoa; Ka; Ka 2; Un reve; Octobre sur la Neva; Le sabre garance; Personne ne va nier…; A la veille de la guerre. Theatre: Le dieu des vierges; Asparoukh; Madame Lenin; Mondarbours; L'erreur de la Mort; Fragment d'une piece de theatre; La mort future; Le ressort de la phtisie; Zanguezi. Le pieu du futur: Lettre a deux Japonais; La Lebedyia future; La Radio du futur; Le roc du futur; On pourrait se baigner…; Nous avons pris la Ц-1…; La loi de la multitude…; Tiens, une ondine!…; On dit de certaines regions…; De l'utilite d'etudier les contes de fee; Notre base; Artistes du monde; On dit que les vers…; Propositions; Extraits des carnets de notes.

Chlebnikov V. Werke (I: Poesie; II: Prosa; Schriften, Briefe). Reinbek bei Ham-burg (das neue buch - rowohlt Bde. 8, 9) 1972. II: Prosa; Schriften; Briefe.
Mein Eignes. Vorwort zu einer nicht erschlenenen Aufgabe. Weltvomende. Zwei Stucke. Weltvomende; Frau Lenin. Kinder der Otter. Fruhe Prosa. Tiergarten; Jungling Ich-Welt; Eine einfache Geschichte; Ausflug aus dem Graubhugel des toten Sohns; Der Jager Usa-Ghall; Nikolaj; "…Und da wollte ich weggehen"; Die Kinder der Otter; Lehrer und Schuler. "Moge man auf meiner Grabplatte lessen"; Lehrer und Schuler; "Die deutsche Wissenschaft"; [Gesprach zwischen zwei Personen]; Streit um die Prioritat; Notizen; Gesprach zwischen Oleg und Kazimir; Nachwort zu "I und E"; [Uber die Erweiterung der Grenzen der russischen Literatur]; [Vom Nutzen des Studiums von Marchen]; [Uber die Brodniki]; Schmutziger Schaum; "Das Ohr des Wortners"; Der nichtveroffentlichte Auf-satz; Eine Ohrfelge dem offentlichen Geschmack. "Wir wollen die Jungfrau des Wortes"; "Wir erheben Anklage"; [Eine Ohrfeige dem offentlichen Geschmack]; [Richterteich]; [Uber Kunstwerke]; Das Wort als solches; Der Buchstabe als solcher; [Polemische Noti-zen aus dem Jahre 1913)]; [Der Brullende Parna?]; I; II - Schert euch zum Teufel!; "Heute werden sich manch Einheimischer…"; ! des Budetljanin; Ka. Ein Traum; "Ich ging zu Aschoka"; "Wir nahmen Ъ-1 und setzten uns in ihr an den Tisch"; Ka; Die Kappe des Skythen; "Wieder ging ich die gelben, ausgetretenen Schneepfade"; Ka2; "Cao platscherte durchs Gehor"; Esir; Zeit, ma? der Welt. Neue Lehre vom Krieg; Zeit, Ma? der Welt.; Er heute.Ufer am Himmel; II; Blatt 1 von 317; Wir, die Vorsitzenden des Erdballs. Vorschlage; Wir und die Hauser; Lebedija der Zukunft; Brief an zwei Japaner; "Man kann baden in der Menge der Tranen…"; Trompete der Marsianer; Lanze in die Zukunft; Au-fruf der Vorsitzenden des Erdballs; "Nur wir, die wir eure drei Kriegsjahre…"; Tresen fur ein offentliches Auftreten; "Wir, die Vorsitzenden des Erdballs"; Bund der Erfinder; Er-offnung einer Volksuniversitat; Rede in Rostov am Don; Radio der Zukunft. ; An Alle! Alle! Alle!; Aus der Zukunft. "Aufmersamkeit. Eine Stra?e der Zukunft"; Vor dem Krieg; Oktober an der Neva; "Niemand wird bestreiten…"; "Vor gewissen Gebieten des Erdballs hei?t es…"; "Die Heringsfasser der Gro?stadte"; "Worauf sitzt du? - Auf einem Leich-nam."; Felsen aus der Zukunft; "Rauhe Schonheit der Berge""; "Ja, was denn? Was ist denn das?"; Razen. Zwei Troizen; Gamma des Budetljanin. [An die Maler der Welt]; "Man sagt, Gedichte mu?ten verstandlich sein"; [Uber zeitgenossische Lyrik]; Unsere Grundlage; In der Welt der Ziffern; Auszuge aus den Tafeln des Schicksals. Blatt 1; Blatt 2; Blatt 3; Befehle der Vorsitzenden des Erdballs; Notizen. [Aus den Notizbuchern]; Autobiographisches. I; II; "Mu? man eine Erzahlung mit der Kindheit beginnen?"; Der Weidenzweig; [Aus dem Tagebuch]; Briefe.

Chlebnikow W. Wlamanie do wszechswiata: Poesja I proza. - Krakow, 1972.

Chlebnikov V. Gul-Mullas trumpet / Tolkning av Lars Erik Blomqvist och Gunnar Harding. Forord av Lars Erik Blomqvist. - Stockholm, 1974. - 47 c. - (FIBs lyrikklubb Lilla ser. 11).

Chlebnikov V. Zakleti smichem / (Z rus. orig.) prel. uspordal a obrarovy material vybral, luvodni studii napsal a textovou i obrazovou documentaci poridil J. Taufer. - Praha, 1975. - 136 c. (Klub. pratel. poezia).

Chlebnikov V. e Krucenich A. Gioco all' inferno [un intero Facsimilibro] / traduzione e note di Anna Tellini // Carte segrete. - 1975. - Anno IX ottobre-dicembre, n. 30.

Khlebnikov V. Snake Train: Poetry and Prose / Ed. by G. Kern; introduction by E.J. Brown; translated by G. Kern, Richard Sheldon, Edward J. Brown, Neil Cornwell, Lily Feiler. - Ardis / Ann Arbor, Mi, 1976. - 338 p.
POETRY. Snake Train; When horses are dying - they wheeze; Neither fragile Japanese shadows; Persons, peoples and the years; Bekh; Liberty for Everyone; Stop Fooling!; An ancient skull is Moscow; Asia; Hard Talk; Soft Talk; Sweet girls are they who stride; I saw the tiger by the forest; I've seen the giggling of mirrors; Numbers; The Lone Performer; Russia and Me; Refusal; Once again, once again; It's your business, gods. EXPERIMENTS. We in-cant and recant; Incantation by Laughter; Bo-be-o-bee sang the mouth; Turnabout; O the racing cloud's Dostoevskitude!; At night the manor - Genghis Khan!; Ha-oo! Ha-oo! Ha-oo!; Thunderstorm in the Month Au; Perun (excerpts); Zangezi (excerpt). LONG POEMS. The Crane (Translated by Ed. J. Brown); War in a Mousetrap (excerpts); A Night in the Trench (excerpts); Goodworld (excerpts); Washerwoman (excerpts); The Night Search (Translated by Neil Cornwell). DRAMATIC WORKS. World from the End (Translated by Ed. J. Brown); Mrs. Lenine; Death's Mistake. PROSE. Menagerie (Translated by Richard Sheldon); Nikolai; The Deceased Son Emerges from his Burial Mound; The Youth I-World; Ka (Translated by R. Sheldon); Razin (Translated by R. Sheldon). VISIONS AND THEORIES. Proposals; The Word as Such; The Letter as Such; The Simple Names of the Language; The Trumpet of the Martians; Manifesto of the Presidents of the Terrestrial Globe; Teacher and Pupil (excerpt); The Value of Studying Folktales; Pushkin; About Contemporary Poetry; About Verses; The Futurian; The Steppe of the Future; The Radio of the Future; The Cliff of the Future; I went, a youthe, alone.

Chlebnikow W. Poesiealbum 107. - Herausgegeben von Bernd Jentzsch. - Berlin, 1976. - 32 s.
Die freiheit kommt nackt; He, Ihr jobber so schneidig / W. Tkaczyk; Das volk geht als ein herrscher durch die strascen; Hunger / Karl Michel; Passah in Enzeli / Rosemarie Ziegler; Asien; Iranisches lied / Alexander Koval; Das eine buch / Paul Celan; Leitstern / Otto Nebel; Einsam steht mein junges ich / Hans Carl Artmann; Beschworung durch lachen / Hans Magnus Enzensberger; Beschworung lachen / Franz Mon; Bannung durch lachung / Gerhard Ruhm; Das heupferdchen / Paul Celan; Der grashupfer / Ernst Jandl; Wir lieben uns und leiben uns / Peter Urban; Der Matz ist die Muhsal der Mutter / Rosemarie Ziegler; Die elefanten schlugen sich / Friederike Mayrocker; Ha-leute; Wenn pferdde sterben / Hans Christoph Buch; Wenn der hirsch sein geweih / Chris Bezzel; Sie-ben / Paul Celan; Im gekharr der hohen stamme / Hans Carl Artmann; Geisterreigen / Gerhard Ruhm; Der kranich / Hans Magnus Enzensberger; Sangesi. Ebene XVIII / Peter Urban.

Chlebnikow W. / Auswahl von Bernd Jentzsch. - Frankfurt/M., 1976.

Chlebnikov V. V. A rukou ukazeme na slnko / Vyber z poem zost. M. Hevesi. Doslov napisal D. Slobodnik. - Bratislava, 1977. - 79 c. - (Kruh milovnikov poezie; 90).

Khlebnikov V. Ka-Sao Paulo, Ed. Perspectiva, 1977.

Khlebnikov V. La creation verbale / Trad. par C. Prigent. - Paris, 1980. - 225 p.

Chlebnikow W. Poezje wybrane / Wyboru dokonal, przelozyl I opracowal Adam Pomorski. - Warszava, 1982. - 120 s.

Chlebnikow W. Zeihn wir mit Netzen die blinde Menschkeit. Gedichte, Versdrama, poetologische Texte. / Herausgegeben, mit einem Nachwort und Anmerkungen versehen von Marga Erb. - Berlin (Ost), 1984.

Khlebnikov V. Antologia poetica y estudios crit. / Selection, trad. y pres. de Lentini I. - Barcelona: Laia, 1984. - 377 p.

Chlebnikov V. Vsem / Vybral a prelozil Jiri Taufer. - Praha, Odeon, 1985. - 150 s.
Zakleti smichem…; Kridelkuje zlatopisem…; Mas, mile mesto…; Nelidsky pohled mesice…; Sviti nad rosou chrastu Rak…; Dusne nebe voni moridlem…; Krymska…; Vozka za zvoneni sani…; Noci, plna souhvezdi…; Kdyz umiraji kone - dysi…; Cisla…; Moucho! Nezne sluvko…; Tak tedy dneska zase jdu…; Osada v noci…; Kotatku sep-tas…; Ja vadnouci a bily odolen…; Mne se nedotyka…; Vy bezdecne jste ztratila sve stre-vicky…; Na ostrove Oselu…; Vecer. Byl cerny…; Cisky dubove a na nich…; S prisnosti bojaryne…; Lasice…; Ze stinu padalo svetlo…; Ja miloval ja stenal…; Opevuji te muj sivy sne…; Vecerka…; Tvar more pisky melcin vrasti…; Stezka k mori sleza chtive…; O svete, muj dobry strycku…; Oblaka byla rudymi kulisami…; Vecer. V sini…; At v zar-livosti, at z premiry sily…; Tys bohyne mladi…; Mam jako kniha listy otrepane lice…; Cern cirikavych cirek…; Vicko pres oko svesivse uslzene…; To vy, to vy tise pseslabiku-jete…; Tam, kde jako divci vlasy barvy cinu…; Kde usina nemoznost…; Rikadla a pranostiky jara…; Obraten…; Nevolnicky breh…; Jen my, kteri jsme sbalili vase tri roky valky…; Vojna v mysi pasti…; V onen den modrych medvedu…; Basnik…; Pak, lidsky rode…; Slovo o El; Pripomenu…; Krmeni holubice…; Hlad…; Toce se proutim, tece proud…; Matka se dobelhala s deckem v naruci…; Zesynovela nocni sinava…; Ja a ty…; Ty divenky, ktere slapou…; Zvoni, zvoni modre rolnicky…; Iranska pisen…; Procpak jsou v kukadlech okotesinky…; Rusko, tys cele polibek v mraze…; Pruvod podzimku v Pjatigorsku…; Vzduch je popraskany…; Kdo?…; Samostril lasky…; Kovar Kave…; Zpevava Rusi v mesici Aj..; Na zapadlem nadrazicku…; Ma lebka - stehovaci vuz…; Straznice - ohromna vec…; Obratim-li se k lidstvu…; Vsem…; Ladomir (zacatek)…; Ladomir (zaver)…

Hlebnikovs V. Dziesmu karapulks = Хлебников В. Войско песен. - Рига: Ли-есма, 1985.- 117 c. - На латыш. и рус. яз. Сост., автор предисл. и коммент. В.В. Иванов; перевели Улдис Берзиньш и Марис Чаклайс.

Khlebnikov V. The King of Time / ed. Charlotte Douglas, trans. Paul Schmidt. - Harvard UP: Cambridge, 1985. - 255 p.
[в алфавитном порядке:] "Alive with glad tidings"; An Appeal by the President of Planet Earth; "Asia, I have made you my obses-sion"; "Attentively I read the springtime thoughts of the Divinity"; "Babylove, don't your eyes ever get tired"; "Black king dance out front of the crowd"; "Bow! Wow! Wow!"; "A boy down by the creek"; "A bunch of yellow buttercups"; "Came a rush of whistling"; A Cliff Out of the Future; "Crawling crying craven"; "Dinner is served, and here's the first course"; "Dostoeskimo snowstorms"; The Dregs of Opium; "Dust in the air near the ra-vine"; "Eat it up, puppy"; "Enormous arboreal monster, horrid"; Excerpt from the Tables of Destiny; "The fault is yours, you gods"; "The freezing weather of debauchery"; !Fu-turian!; "Genghiskhan me, you midnight plantation"; "Glitter-letter wing-winker"; "A greeny goblin grabbles in the forest"; The Head of the Universe. Time in Space; "A herd of horses shod with Hours"; "Here I praise the brutal flight"; "Hunger herded humanity"; "I am going out again today"; Incantation by Laughter; "In the corner, mother's enormous eyes"; "In the hut next door with the board roof"; Iranian Song; "I saw a Tiger, he crouched by a wood"; "I see them - Crab, Ram, Bull"; "It has the unassuming face of a burnt-out candle"; K; "The King is out of luck"; "Languor-wing lying in the middle of fa-ble"; "The law of the see-saw argues"; The Letter as Such; "Let them read on my grave-stone"; "The lice had blind faith, and they prayed to me"; Mrs. Laneen; "The naked stag-horn rising in the woods"; Nations, faces, ages pass"; Night in Persia; "Night's color breeding darker blues"; Nikolai; Numbers; October on the Neva; "O Garden of Animals!"; "OK, Graylegs"; "Once more, once more"; The One, the Only Book; On Poetry; Our-selves and Our Buildings; "People in love"; Po People; The Radio of the Future; Refusal; "Roast mouse"; Rue: A Fable; Russia and Me; "Russia, I give you"; "Rutting elephants, battering ivory tusks"; "The saying and sallies of spring"; "The smell of night, and stars"; "Snowfellow, tallfellow, bright beacon"; The Solitary Player; The Song of One Come to Confusion; "The streams of time"; "Suppose I make a timepiece of humanity"; The Tables of Destiny, Excerpt from; The Tangled Wood"; "These tenuous Japanese shadows"; "They used to have a cow"; "Today Mount Mashuk is a hound dog"; To the Artists of the World; The Trumpet of the Martians; "Unbending as a Boris Godunov boyarina"; Usa-Gali; "Wa-ter cats at the rippling"; "We chant and enchant"; "When horses die, they sigh"; "When I was young I went alone"; "Where the winking waxwings whistle"; "Who wants to hear a story"; "Wind whose"; The Word as Such; The World in Reverse"; "The year the girls first called me 'gramps'"; "You are my song, my dark blue dream"; Zangezi.

Chlebnikov V. Werke. Poesie. Prosa. Schriften Briefe.- Herausgegeben von Peter Urban. Rewohlt Verlag GmbH, 1985. - 666 s.
Das Wort als solches; Der Buchstabe als solcher; [Polemische Notizen aus dem Jahre 1913)]; [Der Brullende Parna?]; I; II - Schert euch zum Teufel!; "Heute werden sich manch Einheimischer…"; ! des Budetljanin; Ka. Ein Traum; "Ich ging zu Aschoka"; "Wir nahmen Ъ-1 und setzten uns in ihr an den Tisch"; Ka; Die Kappe des Skythen; "Wieder ging ich die gelben, ausgetretenen Schneepfade"; Ka2; "Cao platscherte durchs Gehor"; Esir; Zeit, ma? der Welt. Neue Lehre vom Krieg; Zeit, Ma? der Welt.; Er heute.Ufer am Himmel; II; Blatt 1 von 317; Wir, die Vorsitzenden des Erdballs. Vorschlage; Wir und die Hauser; Lebedija der Zukunft; Brief an zwei Japaner; "Man kann baden in der Menge der Tranen…"; Trompete der Marsianer; Lanze in die Zukunft; Aufruf der Vorsitzenden des Erdballs; "Nur wir, die wir eure drei Kriegsjahre…"; Tresen fur ein offentliches Auftreten; "Wir, die Vorsitzenden des Erdballs"; Bund der Erfinder; Eroffnung einer Volksuniversi-tat; Rede in Rostov am Don; Radio der Zukunft. ; An Alle! Alle! Alle!; Aus der Zukunft. "Aufmersamkeit. Eine Stra?e der Zukunft"; Vor dem Krieg; Oktober an der Neva; "Nie-mand wird bestreiten…"; "Vor gewissen Gebieten des Erdballs hei?t es…"; "Die Herings-fasser der Gro?stadte"; "Worauf sitzt du? - Auf einem Leichnam."; Felsen aus der Zu-kunft; "Rauhe Schonheit der Berge""; "Ja, was denn? Was ist denn das?"; Razen. Zwei Troizen; Gamma des Budetljanin. [An die Maler der Welt]; "Man sagt, Gedichte mu?ten verstandlich sein"; [Uber zeitgenossische Lyrik]; Unsere Grundlage; In der Welt der Zif-fern; Auszuge aus den Tafeln des Schicksals. Blatt 1; Blatt 2; Blatt 3; Befehle der Vor-sitzenden des Erdballs; Notizen. [Aus den Notizbuchern]; Autobiographisches. I; II; "Mu? man eine Erzahlung mit der Kindheit beginnen?"; Der Weidenzweig; [Aus dem Tage-buch]; Briefe.

Chlebnikov V. Samostrel lasky / vybral, prelozil, predslov, poznamky a vysvetlivky napisal Milan Ferko. - Bratislava, 1985. - 210 s.
M.F. Storocnica slovotvorcu. Samostrel lasky; Suhvezdie Barana a Raka hori; Hl'a, chmurna dubrava a obetny kamen; Dozrkadla; Bohovia, to je vasa zlomysel'nost'; Je prijemne vidiet'; L'ubil som, stenal som, svojou nazyval; Je dievca s ucesom a la Rusko; Cestickou k moru nie je; V ruzovom ruchu rozpakov; Z kramu namudrovane recny s recinkami; Zariekanie smiechom; Lucny konik; Smejanstvo davnych zor; Slony sa klali klami tak; Ked' sa parohy jelenov tycia nad sviezou zelenou; Komu povedanky; Bobeobi zneli pery; Voda v studni len tak zuni; Zom-ieral moren moreny moruckou; Obraten; O, dostojevskost' letiace'ho mracna!; L'udia - ked' miluju; Casiny-trstiny; Zakon hojdacky nuti; Ked' umieraju kone - dychcia; Vesna snuje zo sna suseda snehu; Cisla; Utek od seba; Hadzi Tarkan; Nosia ma, nosia na slonovi; Pal'udia; Luciaren; Zvuciaren; Vyzyvam vas - hrotom ocele; Vonne vanie od jabloni; Kurhan; Kde ako vlasy dievcinine; Perun; Roky, l'udia, narody; Uz riekanky a porekadla jari; Manifest Predsedov Zemegule; Na severe; Plechovy nasepkavac; Hl'a, l'ud sa ujal vladarskeho zezla; V den modrych medved'ov; Videl som chichot zrkadiel; Pracka; Slovo o eL; Mlat; Poplach, zhon a horucka; Synovie nocna sinava; Preco sa v zracikoch zracia nezabudky?; Zelena Rus v mesiaci Aj; Burka v mesiaci Uj; Nezny jazyk; Hruby jazyk; Azia; Novruz prace; Iranska piesen; Gull-mullova truba; Ra; Povetrie prasklo na cierne haluzky; Stodesat'tisic tulenov smuti; Vsi sa ku mne tupo modlili; Hlad; Trubte, kricte, neste!; L'ud zufa. Zaplakala dusa; Zaklinanie mnoznym cislom; Odmietnutie; Nesial'te!; Ja a Rusko; Obed; Ladomir; Vysiel som ako chlapec sam; Aj dnes sa vydam znova tam; Tu som sa tutal ocareny; Bezal som; Este raz, este raz; Zangezi.

Chlebnikov Velimir Ik en Rusland / Keuze, vertaling en inleiding W. Weststeijn. - Meulenhoff Amsterdam, 1986. - 131 s.
Bezwering door lachen; "Bobeobi zongen de lip-pen…"; "Vleugelfliegend met zijn gouden schrift…"; Lacherij van oude zonsopgangen; Beschikking; "Daar waar zijdestaarten woonden…"; "Treurige bleke lelies…"; Van de Krim; "O Dostojevski-mo van de voortijlende wolk!…"; "Wie moet men het zeggent-jes…"; Het dichte woud; "Wij willen jij zeggen tegen de sterren…"; De kraanvogel; De draak van de trein - De vlucht; De getallen; "Uit een reiszak…"; "Als paarden sterven - snuiven ze…"; "De wet van de schommel zegt…"; "Wanneer het gewei van het hert uit-steekt boven het groen…"; "De olifanten vochten zo met hun slagtanden…"; "Noch de breekbare schaduwen van Japan…"; "Mensen, volkeren en jaren…"; V-mensen; Som-berte; "Vandaag ga ik opnieuw daarheen…"; "De zwarte tsaar danste voor het volk…"; "Hoeve in de nacht - Djengis Khan!…"; Oorlog in een muizeval; "Het volk voerde de hoogste scepter…"; "Moskou, oude schedel…"; "Op deze dag van blauwe beren…"; "De wind is gezang…"; "Ik zag een tijger zitten bij een bosje…"; Het ene boek; Aziё; "O, Aziё, ik lijd om jou…"; "Ra, die zijn ogen ziet in het roestige en rode moeraswater…"; "Ik zag een jongen, een profeet…"; "Het is jullie zaak, goden…"; "Aandachtig lees ik de lentegedachten van God op het patroon van de bonte poten van de pad…"; Ik en Rusland; Het lied over de L; "Drama, dpuk en dreiging…"; Honger; Weigering; "Ik ging als jonge-ling alleen…"; "Nog eenmaal, nog eenmaal…"; De trompet van de Gull-mullah.

Khlebnikov V. Des nombres et des lettres / traduction et preface [p. 9 - 52] D'Agnes Sola. - L'Age D'Homme - Lausanne, 1986. - 206 c.
TEMPS MESURE DU MONDE. Ka2; Razine, Deux Trinites; Ra regarde ses yeux dans l'eau; Lettre a Petnikov; Notre base: 1. La verbocreation, 2. La langue transrationnelle; Consecration de l'alphabet, 3. Conception mathematique de l'histoire, La gamme du futurien; Sous langage; A propos des "brodniks"; Nous seuls, tordant vos trois annees de guerre. BATAILLES DES AN-NEES 1915-1917 (Nouvelle doctrine de la guerre): Note 14; Siege de Port-Arthur et con-quete de la Siberie. EXTRAIT DES TABLES DU DESTIN: Premier fascicule. EXTRAIT DES TABLES DU DESTIN: Deuxieme fascicule. Vicissitude du peuple russe; Reliure de l'humanite; Progression de l'onde de la liberte; Tort, travail et tracas; On peut, avec pour unite de mesure l'anne, suivre ma loi sur la table des siecles; Des puissances; Ravalement des cerveaux. EXTRAIT DES TABLES DU DESTIN: Troisieme fascicule. Alphabet du ciel; Quelle est la structure de l'annee; Ville du trois dans le ciel. Histoire de l'erreur; Zan-guezi, plan XVIII; Casse de l'univers; Egratignure sur le ciel.

Chlebnikov V., Krucenych A. Hollenspiel Ein Poem. Nachgedichtet von Ludwig Harig. Ubersetzung und Nachbemerkung von Beate Rausch. - Berlin, 1986. - 24 s.

Hlebnyikov V. Zangezi A kiserotanulmanyt irta Tinyanov; forditotta es a je-gyzeteket osszeallitotta szilagyi akos. - 1986. - (Helikon Studio VI). - 74 p.

Khlebnikov V. Collected Works.
Vol. I. Letters and Theoretical Writings. / Ed. Ch. Douglas, trans. P. Schmidt. - Harvard University Press, 1987. - 452 p.
Letters and Biographical Writings: Introduc-tion: Yelimir Khlebnikov; Letters; Questionnaire; Autobiographical Note; Self-Statement; From Journals; From Notes from the Past; Theoretical Writings: Introduction: Kindred Spirits; one. NATURE: "Let them read on my gravestone"; "On finding a cuckoo"; Orni-thological Observation in the Pavdinsk Preserve; An Attempt To Formulate a Concept in the Natural Scienses; two. RUSSIA: Slavs!; Who Are Ugrorussians; About the Brodniki; The Burial Mound of Sviatagor; Monuments; Roar about the Railroads; A Friend in the West; "We want a word maiden"; "We accuse the older generation; Poems by Thirteen Springs; Expanding the Boundaries of Russian Literature; The Word as Such; The Letter as Such; Polemical Remarks of 1913; !Futurian; On the Usefulness of Studying Fairy Tales; three. LANGUAGE: "Let us consider two words"; "Here is the way the syllable so is a field"; ; "The ear of the philologist detects"; Teacher and Student; Two Individuals; "The warrior of the kingdom"; Oleg and Kazimir; On the Simple Names of Language; Z and Its Environs; Analyzing the Word; A Little Introductory Dictionary of Single-Syllable Words; A Checklist: The Alphabet of the Mind; A Second Language; four. VISIONS OF THE FUTURE: The Trumpet of the Martians; A Letter to Two Japanese; Lilia Rides a Ti-ger; An Appeal by the Presidents of Planet Earth; Letter to Grigory Petnikov; Outline for a Public Lecture and Discusion; "We, the Presidents of Planet Earth"; An Indo-Russian Un-ion; Asiaunion; Swanland in the Future; Ourselves and our Buildings; Proposals; The Head of the Universe; Artists of the World!; On Poetry; On Contemporary Poetry; Our Fundamentals; The Radio of the Future; A Cliff out of the Future; From the Notebooks; The Wheel of Births; Order from the Presidents of Planet Earth; "There is a phrase"; Ex-cerpt from The Tables of Destiny; Everyone, Everywhere, Attention!; five. JOURNALISM: The Union of Inventors; Opening of the People's University; Opening of an Art Gallery; The Astrakhan Gioconda.
Vol. II. Prose, Plays, and Supersagas. / Ed. R. Vroon, trans. P. Schmidt. - Harvard University Press, 1989. - 403 p.
Prose: Self-Statement; A Sinner's Seduction; The I-Singer of Universong; Hooder; Murksong; A Simple Story; A Schoolgirl's Story; Young-man Mecrocosm; The Dead Son Leaves His Burial Mound; Easter Day; Oko"; "Lubny is a strange, godforsaken Town"; "Kolja was a handsome boy"; Mountain People; A Heart of Steel; Nikolai; Usa-Gali; Ka; Notes from the Past; "I went to Asoka"; "We climbed aboard"; Dream; "Once again I followed the yellow path"; The Scythian Headdress: A Mysterium; "Does a story have to start with childhood?"; "You could swim"; "No one will deny"; Yasir; October on the Neva; The Hunt; The Scarlet Saber; Before the War; "Whose idea was it anyway?"; Razin: Two Trinities; The Willow Twig; Plays: Snowhite; The Girl-God; The Little Devil; The Marquise de S.; Asparuh; "Laughing -Eyes"; Mrs. Laneen; Backworlds; "A coarse black face"; Miss Death Makes a Mistake; "A street of the future"; The Gods; The Tuberculoses Spirochete; Supersagas: Otters' Children; War in a Mousetrap; Azia Unbound; Zangezi.
Vol. III. Selected Poems / Ed. R. Vroon, trans. P. Schmidt. - Harvard UP: Cam-bridge, 1997.
Lyrics: Harsh hush bends bow; Where the winking waxwings whistle; Here I praise the brutal flight; Came a rush of whistling; The echoing gull planes over empty water; The screams of time; Cloudarias floated all forlorn; Snowfellow, tallfellow, bright beacon; You are my song, my dark-blue dream; Languor-wing flies in the middle of fable; His sweet lids close and shut away; The freezing weather of debauchery; Woe-mind, Slow-mind, and No-mind, three sisters, girls; Wo-man and Wo-man; My bag breaks; The death-dole of an old skull; The bowl is banished from the long tables; A herd of horses shod with hours; Snow is a dream of earth; No now, I'm like everybody; The Dostoyology of racing clouds; Incantation by Laughter; Bo-beh-oh-bee is the lipsong; Who wants to hear a story; Grasshopper; Enormous arboreal monster, hanging; On the island of Ezeli; Neward, we praise thee!; We chant and enchant; A Foppish Proposal; Brooding, dark, and elegant; OK, Graylegs, time to set the plow; I swam across the Sudak Gulf; The Tangled Wood; We want to be familiars to the stars; I see them: Crab, Ram, Bull; Rutting ele-phants, battering ivory tusks; People in love, making; The eyes of the Black; A goblin grabbles in the greeny forest; Let us all be heads of lettuce; I saw a tiger, he crouched by a wood; When horses die, they sigh; The law of the seesaw argues; The naked staghorn ris-ing in the wood; Qua-People; Numbers; The night is full of constellations; I don't need much; The sticky sky smells blue-gray, it's the odor of udder; The moon begins to flow; Reflections of Profligate; In periwinkle potion; I am borne on the back of an elephant; The Song of One Come to Confusion; Rue: A Fable; Fly! Little three-letter wordlet; I am going out again today; A bunch of yellow buttercups; Black king dance out front of the crowd; Genghis Khan me, you midnight plantation!; A quiet perfume from the orchard; These tenuous Japanese shadows; Tell your kitten not to bite; Nations, faces, ages pass; Beast + Number; Autumn this year is a rabbit affair; A Vague Memory; Herd of hoofsteps, ingots of elephants; My elbow brushed; Young girls, young men, remember!; "Hey!" the wolf cries out in blood; Bad News, April 8, 1916; The king is out of luck; I am in Tsaritsyn, where; The too-often reviewed book of my face; Palm Sunday; Cloaked in schools of fly-ing fish; Battle in the Comics; Someday I'll forget about Swanland; Oh, if only Asia could dry my face; Tatlin! Poet of propellers; I (Ia); On a Hill; Unbending as Boris Godunov's boyarina; Is it the voice of the goddess of foam; The trumpets never squealed a signal for defeat; Their faces by Maliavin; You whose mind flowed; People in washhouses rush to scrub their souls; Moscow's a crazed old skull; Yesterday I whistled: Coo! Coo! Coo!; The shining shower dripping from the oar; When Freedom comes, she comes naked; The peo-ple raise the rod of sovereign power; A hundred and ten thousand seals weep; Freedom; Wind whose song; White horses, white hearses; Warrior! You choose a cue from heaven's rack; The land where Izanagi; The saying and sallies of spring; Alive with glad tidings; Why are these eyes forget-me-nots?; Water eats at the rippling roots; Whorlen of the worldwide will; This whole day is full of blue bears, they; A black crab on a white plate; A congress of politic grackles; Crawling crying craven; My Campaigns; Now that the lilt of nightingales; Where the sun like ready money; It was in the merry month of Ay; Tough Talk; Sweet Talk; Night's color breeding darker blues; You boot-stomping workers in the poetry factory; The City of the Future; Asia, I have made my obsession; Asia; The One, the Only Book; The Present Day; Two Moscow imagos; To Alyosha Kruchonykh; Some-one wacky, someone nutty; Like a flock of sheep peacefully grazing; The Neva knows the look in those Last Supper eyes; Girls are the ones; Evening darkens round; Easter in Enzeli; Iranian song; Night in Persia; The Opium Smoker; An Oak Tree in Persia; A wild old hank of hair; I saw the young man, the young prophet; I am a wave, I role down; The smell of night, inhaling stars; A stream of icy water; Ra, who sees his own eye in the red rusty swamp water; Attentively I read the springtime thoughts of the Divinity; Russia and Me; Kruchonykh; Burliuk; I have come like a butterfly; Weary wings of the dream stead; Fate hides her yawn, rolls over; Babylove, don't your eyes ever get tired; the year, the girls first called me "Gramps"; The lice had blind faith, and they prayed to me; Russia, I give you my divine; With the grabhooks of wholesale slaughter; Three years of civil war; Bow! Wow! Wow!; War and wildness part his hair; The fault is yours, you gods; When I was young I went alone; People starred in horror; souls in anguish wept; Hunger; The Tree; The air splits on the black branches; The Moscow of the Future; Today Mount Mashuk is a hound dog; The Solo Actor; At the backwood whistle-stop; Dinner; Don't Mess with Me!; Let the plowman leave his furrow; The Future; Suppose I make a time-piece of humanity; OK, Graylegs; Cresting spines; Three V's, three M's, three wards; Who?; Acknowledgment; You feel my summons; To You All; Hey, holy man!; I'm not just some carnival barker; Refusal; The Road I Took; Once more, once more; Longer Poems: Zoo; Venus and the Shaman; The stone Woman; The Poet; Night in the Trenches; Lightland; Night Raid; The Chairman of the Cheka; Cracking the Universe; The Gul-Mullah's Trumpet; Autumns Passing in Piatigorsk.

Chlebnikov V. Hollenspiete. Poem. - Berl. (West), 1986. - 14 s.

Khlebnikov V. Des Nombres et les lettres / Trad. du russe Sola A. - Ed. Age d'homme, 1986. - 208 p.

Hlebnikov V. Zangezi. Bp. 1987. Helikon, 73 old.

En Kyss i frost Dikter, 1908 - 1922 / V. Chlebnikov tolkade fran ryska av Anna Ljngrenn och Nils Ake Nilsson. Bromma: Fripress, 1988. - 45 c.

Poemas de Khliebnikov / Marco Americo Lucchesi. - Brasil, Editora cromos, Clube de literatura. 1993. - Edicao bilingue: portugues e russo. - 56 p.
Девушки те что шагают, Я и Россия, Люди когда они любят, Пусть пахарь, О достоевскиймо, Ра видящий очи, Числа, Садись Гуль-мулла, Дуб Персии

Khlebnikov V. Nouvelles du Je et du Monde / Presentation, traduction et notes J-C. Lanne. - Imprimerie nationale Editions, 1994. - 460 c.
I. LES PRINSIPES DE LўECRITURE POETIQUE. Qu'on lise sur sa plaque tombale; Le tertre funeraire de Sviatogor; Nous voulons la vierge du verbe; Nous accusons les gen-erations anciennes; Le maitre et le disciple ( sur les vocables, les villes et les peuples ); Des chants de treize printemps ( bavardages autour de la beaute ); De l'extension des lim-ites de la litterature; De l'utilite d'etudier les contes; Lialia sur le tigre; Mon chez moi; Nos principes; Sur la poesie contemporaine; Peintres du monde; On dit que la poesie doit etre comprehensible. II. LA PROSE D'ART. Les cheveux emmeles; Il faisait noir, si noir; Le chant des tenebres; La Destinee s'est paree d'un collier; Le jeune homme Je-Monde; Sim-ple nouvelle; La tentation du pecheur; Lointanete aux blanches mains; L'estudiante; Le charme austere des montagnes; La menagerie; J'ai traverse a la nage le golfe de Soudak; Le mort de Palivoda; Les homme de la terre blanche s'avansent; Nouvelle orotche; Ou-pravda! Tu es Russe!; Les habitants de montagnes; Kolia; Le haut de la tete rasee de pres; Oussa-Gali le chasseur; Nicolas; Le fils defunt sort du tertre funeraire; Ka; Un reve; Je me rendis chez Asoka; La scille du Scythe; Personne ne niera que je porte votre Globe ter-restre; Octobre sur la Neva; Esir; La chasse; Le sabre framboise; Razine a l'envers. Deux Trinites; La branche de saule; Je mourus et eclatai de rire; C'etait un grand numerier; Avant la guerre. III. L'UTOPIE. Les constructeurs de voies ferrees; Hurlade a propos des chemins de fer; Nous et les maisons. Nous et les createurs de rue. Criure; Lettre a deux Ja-ponais; Eh1 Qu'est-ce donc, mais qu'est-ce donc?; Des signes d'egalite s'etirent de l'ecran; A propos de certaines regions du globe; Le roc qui vient du futur. IV. L'ECRITURE NUMERIQUE. Querelle de primaute; Le loi des generations; Le Tempe Mesure du Monde; Conversation. V. Khlebnikov contemplant les Etats; Combat singulier avec Hammourabi; La roue des naissances; La tete de l'Univers.

Khlebnikov V. Zanguezi et autres poemes / traduits du russe et presentes par J-C Lanne. - Flammarion, 1996. - 366 c.
I. LES ENFANTS DE LA LOUTRE ( 1911-1913). II. POEMES COURTS (1908-1922). "Et je chalumais…"; "La ou vivaient les jaseurs…"; "Perce-temps, perce-pierres…"; "A l'epoque ou vers le chaud paradis…"; "Hors de l'arroi…"; "La Russie a oublie les breuvages…"; Conjuration par le rire; "O dostoievskite…"; "Bobeobi…"; Le grillon; "Vous vous souvenez de la ville…"; A vous; "Les etoiles, nous desirons les tutoyer…"; "Les elephants se bataient…"; "Les hommes, quand ils aiment…"; "Notre jalabre…"; "Les ocelles de l'Oka…"; Extrait de chants des Haidamaks; "Nuit, l'etoiles illuminee…"; Les nombres; "Le compagnon rouge…"; "Quand meurent les chevaux…"; "Jour, sous ta touffeur j'ai senti…"; "On me trans-porte…"; A Peroune; Dan le bois; Nuit en Galicie; Le chant de l'homme trouble; "Au-jourd'hui de nouveau j'irai…"; "Les peuples, les hommes, les ans…"; "Si, comme du Ja-pon…"; "Gentilhommiere la nuit, gengiskhane…"; La tertre funeraire; La bete + le nom-bre; "Le livre de ma face…"; "La, ou comme les cheveux d'une ordine…"; Tatlin; "De belles…"; "Eclatante libertitude…"; Sur la liberte; "Le vent chante…"; "De son Coran primeveral…"; "De ma patrie sourde-muette…"; "Sous les arbres l'eau fouit…"; "L'automnal concile des freux…"; Discours sur El; "Le Moscou l'attelage…"; "Filial, le filet lilas des nuits…"; La ville du futur; A Aliocha Kroutchonykh; "En ce jour ou fa-naient…"; Paques a Anzali; Le nowruz du travail; Kave le forgeron; Le chameau d'Ispahan; La chene de la Perse; "En humant de narines furieuses…"; "J'ai vu un jeune homme prophere…"; "Au Machouk, pays de la belle mort…"; Bourliouk; Moscou du fu-tur; "Les tziganes des etoiles…"; Kroutchonykh; L'usine; "Russie…"; "Le poux me reci-taient…"; "Le Machouk…"; "Moscou, qui es-tu?…"; "Et le soir…"; "Outre la loi uni-verselle…"; "Homme! noyons la haine…"; "Homme! Au-dessus de votre fenetre…"; Moi et la Russie; Nuit en Perse; "Ra, qui apercoit ses yeux…"; "La Neva…"; "Que le la-boureur…"; L'histrion solitaire; "Il y a l'odeur…"; "Trouble et travail et trituration…"; A tous; "Encore une fois…"; "Tel un adolescent, je suis sorti…"; "Tres peu de choses me suffisent!"; Le marteau. III. POEMES NARRATIFS. Hadji-Tarkhan; Le poete; La bonne femme de pierre; Nuit dans la tranchee; Ladomir; La procession des automnes de Piati-gorsk; Revolution a Vladivostok; La nef de Razine; Le tyran sans T. IV. ZANGUEZI (1920 - 1922).

Hlebnikov V. Opera / Introducere Cotorcea Livia. - Braila: Istros: Muzeul Brailei, 1997. - 298 c. (румынский яз., часть текста парал. рус., рум.)

Hlebnikov V. Tukrok kacagasa : Val. poemak, versek / Velimir Hlebnyikov; Val. es az utoszot irta Turcsany Peter. - Budapest : Krater, 1998. - 128 c. : ил.; 20 см.

Hlebnikov V. Opere Alese / Selectie, traducere, studiu introductiv si commentarii de Alexandru Ivanescu. Prefata de Valeriu Cristea. - Bucuresti, 1999. - 311 p.
Arti-cole si Eseuri: Principiul limbii; Cantecele celor 13 primaveri; Svoiasi; Temeiul nostrum; Limba transrationala (zaumnii iazik); Artisti ai lumii!; Despre poezia contemporana; Lim-bajul second; Introducerea la Zanghezi; Despre versuri. Poezii: Si eu cantam la fluierul meu; Bobeobi se de sine cantau buzele; O, dostoievskietate a norului grabit!; Ni stiu daca Pamantul se roteste sau nu; Experienta izmenitului; Elefantii se bateau in fildese-ase; Oamenii, atunci cand iubesc; Caii - cand mor - rasufla; Legea scranciobului porunceste; Somnul ba e vecinul zapezii primavara; Nelume; Numerele; Pot sa stiu cine ma mana?; Elefant al aburului neprihanit; Moartea in tau; Numarul + fiara; Sue; Ani, oameni si popoare; Conac nocturn, gingishaneste!; Nici gingasele umbre ale Japoniei; Tatlin, profe-tul paletelor; Cum! Si eu, culme a gingasiei; In maini zabovea o scriere utitata; Vazduhul se crapa in crengi negre; In aceasta zi, cand se ofileste ce-I al toamnei; Tu, cel al carui cuget a curs; In aceasta zi a ursilor albastri; Fuga de sine; Campaniile mele; Soamenii isi spala-n graba sufletele la spalatorie; Proverbele si tahilaliile primaverii; E treaba voastra, zeilor; Acolo, akolo, unde Izanagi; Asia; O, Asie! ma chinuie zbuciumul tau; Cartea unica; Uitati-va persilor: iata, eu vin; Ra, cel ce-si vede ochii; Moscova, tu cine esti?; Tarm marin; Moartea viitorului; Cum dormiteaza pasnic turma de oi; Eu, fluture venit in zbor; O noapte in Persia; Oameni! La fereastra noastra; Tamp, paduchii mi se rugau; Craniul meu e putestanul; Si atunci cand, mistuit de foc, globul pamantesc; Te sfarama, sfarama; Fetele, acelea, care pasesc; Sunt mare. De-ndata ce-n cugetul meu; Refuz; Este placut sa vezi; Ac-torul singuratic; De-acum mugurii argintii; Vazui lucrarea primaverii; Circumscriptia-I lu-cru mare!; Poporul e disperat; Este parfumul florilor de melisa; La cina de taina a ochilor; Dupa petele purpurii ale molimelor; Viitorul; Poemul; In noaptea adanca; Nu ca un diavol mic si slinos. Proza: Fie ca pe piatra de mormant; Parcul zoologic; Lubni e un oras tipic de fund de provincie; Scufia scitului; Ka; Esir; In zilele evenimentelor revolutionare; Stanca din viitor; Cuvant despre numar si viceversa. Teatru: Mirskonta; Greseala mortii. Poeme: Spargerea Universului; Copiii Vidrei.

Sword become Words. Poems and Translations Kirsten Lodge. Illustrations by Vera Khlebnikova. - Finland, 1997. - 40 p. - 30 exemplars.
Conjuration Through Revelry; Murk. Illuminous. Darkling cloudling; Time rushes, time reeds; Hindness of lurious fates; A skyling I am; A green wood goblin a forest be; Away in a land where the waxwings play; To godde (Sunne ryse emblindifies mutely); Laughage of Ancient Dawns; I knewe the unnameability of the godly; Beckon (Зазовь); And I piped on my reed pipe; Of manland deaf lapland; Long ago in a land of why; Languorlarks of light reflections; Great-grandma faith-grandma behind secrets cries; Fire god! Fire god!; Rainbow.; Among the lake's looking-glasses.

Хлебников В. Шаман и Венера / Перев. на японский Кудо Масахиро; илл. М. Митурича. - Токио, 2003. - 58 с.

Hlebnikov, Velimir. Ochii din orbitele ranilor/ Leo Butnaru. - Ch.: Stiinta, 2003. - 124 p. - (Biblioteca de Nord).
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Хлебников Велимир Sвезден jазик / Велимир Хлебников ; избор и прев. од рус. Ефтим Клетников ; предг. Милан Ѓурчинов. - Скопjе : Менора, 2005. - 259 с. : ил., портр.

Hlebnikov V. Ka : proza, teatru, eseuri / versiune romaneasca, pref., tabel cronologic si note de: Leo Butnaru. - Nadlac : Ivan Krasko, 2005. - 187 с.

Chlebnikow W. [Рыбак над морем смерти: Стихотворения и тексты 1917 - 1922] / przel. Adam Pomorski. - Warszawa, 2005.

Hlebnikov V. Joc in iad si munca-n rai / Leo Butnaru. - [Бухарест: Европейская идея], 2007. - 230 с.

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